In the heart of Lira City, a transformative moment unfolds within the walls of the All Nations Gospel Church. Eng Dr. Michael Moses Odongo Okune, the newly elected paramount chief of Lango, stands before a congregation eager for change, his words carrying the weight of authority and conviction.
With a steely gaze and a voice that resonates with passion, Dr. Odongo addresses the pressing issue of poverty that plagues the sub-region. He speaks not as a politician or a bureaucrat, but as a leader who understands the struggles of his people and is determined to lead them to a brighter future.
“We cannot afford to remain passive in the face of poverty,” Dr. Odongo declares. “It is time for us to awaken from our slumber and take decisive action to uplift ourselves and our communities.”
Drawing upon his own experiences and the wisdom of generations past, Dr. Odongo outlines a comprehensive strategy for combating poverty in Lango. He emphasizes the importance of mindset change and the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices, urging his listeners to embrace innovation and creativity in their pursuit of prosperity.
As Dr. Odongo’s words echo through the church, a sense of optimism fills the air. In that moment, a new chapter begins—a chapter defined not by despair and hardship, but by resilience, determination, and the unyielding spirit of the Lango people.