Amidst the serene backdrop of Bugembe’s regal palace, the Kyabazinga of Busoga, William Wilberforce Gabula Nadiope IV, issued a heartfelt plea to his subjects: embrace the forthcoming national census, scheduled to kick off on May 10, 2024.
In a momentous meeting with Dr. Chris Mukiza, the esteemed Executive Director of the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS), the Kyabazinga emphasized the pivotal role of census data in fostering inclusive development and equitable governance. “Let us unite in support of the census, for it is through our collective participation that we can pave the way for targeted interventions and meaningful progress,” urged the monarch.
Grateful for UBOS’s collaborative efforts, the Kyabazinga warmly welcomed the establishment of a dedicated statistical office at the kingdom headquarters, recognizing its potential to empower local authorities with invaluable insights for evidence-based decision-making.
Dr. Mukiza reciprocated the sentiment, affirming UBOS’s unwavering commitment to ensuring a seamless census process. Assuring the populace of data security, Mukiza reassured, “Your privacy is our utmost priority, and stringent measures are in place to safeguard the confidentiality of all information collected.”
As anticipation mounts for the digital census, Mukiza unveiled innovative measures to enhance accuracy and efficiency. Enumerators will be equipped with identification tags embedded with QR codes, enabling swift authentication and minimizing the risk of fraudulent activities.
Moreover, in a demonstration of mutual support and capacity-building, UBOS pledged to furnish the kingdom headquarters with a dedicated statistics office unit, complete with essential resources and staffed by locally nominated statisticians. This collaborative initiative aims to empower the Busoga Kingdom with the tools and knowledge necessary for informed decision-making and sustainable development.
As the countdown to the census begins, the partnership between UBOS and the Busoga Kingdom stands as a beacon of unity and progress, poised to unlock new pathways to prosperity and well-being for all residents of Busoga.